Monday, July 4, 2011


"We are ALL the captain," our comrades on the the Canadian boat, the Tahrir, said to the Hellenic Coast Guard that used water canon on their boat and then boarded them.  Ten minutes earlier, as kayaks were blocking the Coast Guard, the Tahrir made a run for it.  WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU ALL!  We are singing your praises!

In other news, the Greek police has now detained our hunger strikers for the second time.  This time they also brought in an anti-terrorism unit to interrogate them, at the request of the US ambassador, or so our comrades are telling us.

And finally, as I just learned from haaretz, the Israeli Airforce just concluded a two-week long military exercise with the Greek Airforce, held, in its entirety, on Greek soil.  Put differently,  IDF forces, primarily helicopters and units associated with them, have been in Greece, in significant numbers, during the entire period that this drama has been unfolding.  Now isn't that a coincidence.

Certainly much food for thought here, wouldn't you say? 


  1. Food for thought?
    Greece has various interests it needs to balance, and abetting a pointless flotilla which the UN and Quartet have discouraged does not serve these interests. It really isn't rocket science. In any case, since the Palmer report is expected to rule that the blockade is legal, the Flotilla era has officially come to its lackluster end.

  2. Activists' plan to break Gaza blockade with aid flotilla is sunk
